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/ Network Toolbox (Professional Edition) / tradetouch-network-toolbox-professional-edition.iso / mail server tool / wm.exe / wmapi.dl_ / 0 / string.txt
Text File  |  2003-05-20  |  7KB  |  300 lines

  1. 1250    UNIQUE
  2. 1251    WITH PRIMARY
  3. 1252    CREATE
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  6. 1255    ODBC;DSN=%1;
  7. 1256    SELECT
  8. 1257    COUNT(*)
  9. 1258    FROM
  10. 1261    *.txt
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  12. 1264    *.html
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  16. 1268    LEFT OUTER JOIN
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  18. 1281    General
  19. 1296    AND
  20. 1297    OR
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  23. 1300    TABLE
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  26. 1303    varchar
  27. 1312    Softalk
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  29. 1314    f0000000
  30. 1315    .dat
  31. 1316    abcdefghkmnpqrstuvwxyz0123456789
  33. 5500    [SentMessages]
  34. 5501    [RcvdMessages]
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  36. 5503    RcvdAttachments
  37. 5504    [ReceivedMessages]
  38. 5505    [SentAttachments]
  39. 5506    DomainNames
  40. 5507    Domain Names
  41. 5508    Event Log
  42. 5509    EventLog
  43. 5510    Workgroups
  44. 5511    Users
  45. 5512    Message-ID:
  46. 5513    [DigitalIDs]
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  63. 5596    CREATE TABLE [%1] (%2)
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  76. 5644    rasapi32.dll
  77. 5646    OutputWindow
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  86. 5655    POP3Port
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  89. 5658    RasSetEntryDialParamsA
  90. 5659    RasGetConnectStatusA
  91. 5660    RasHangUpA
  92. 5661    RasGetEntryDialParamsA
  93. 5662    RasDialA
  94. 5663    RasEnumEntriesA
  95. 5664    RasEditPhonebookEntryA
  96. 5665    RasCreatePhonebookEntryA
  97. 5666    `!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_
  98. 5667    KeepAlive
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  101. 5670    GetWindowHandle
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  113. 5682    SMTPRCV
  114. 5683    HELO %1\n
  115. 5684    QUIT\n
  116. 5685    NOOP\n
  117. 5686    RSET\n
  118. 5687    RETR
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  126. 5695    Sender: %1\n
  127. 5696    Date: %1\n
  128. 5697    Subject: %1\n
  129. 5698    DATA\n
  130. 5699    LIST\n
  131. 5700    DELE
  132. 5701    USER
  133. 5702    PASS
  134. 5703    220 Softalk Internet service ready\n
  135. 5704    221 Internet Service closing transmission channel\n
  136. 5705    250 OK\n
  137. 5706    250 Softalk \n
  138. 5707    354 Start Mail Input\n
  139. 5708    450 Busy\n
  140. 5709    550 No such user here\n
  141. 5710    Content-type: application
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  148. 5717    charset=US-ASCII
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  153. 5722    =%0x
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  158. 5727    begin 
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  161. 5730    Content-type: application/X-OfficeTalk-Command
  162. 5731    [FmtType]=1
  163. 5732    +OK POP3 Server ready\n
  164. 5733    502 Command not implemented\n
  165. 5734    Content-type: text/plain
  166. 5735    Content-Transfer-Encoding: UUEncode
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  168. 5737    OTMail.rtf
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  192. 5761    retryInterval
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  198. 5767    MsgIDs.dat
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  204. 5773    ETRN %1\n
  205. 5774    X-Recipient:
  206. 5775    DNSManager.dat
  207. 5776    EventLog
  208. 5777    503 Valid RCPT TO must precede DATA\n
  209. 5778    ESMTP
  210. 5779    POP3
  211. 5780    421 <%1> Connection rejected\n
  212. 5781    421 Connection rejected\n
  213. 5782    551 Relaying not allowed
  214. 5783    Connection rejected\n
  215. 5784    <%1> Connection rejected\n
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  218. 5787    BCC
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  220. 5789    for
  221. 5790    552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation\n
  222. 5791    Command unrecognised
  223. 5792    %1 messages (%2 octets)\n
  224. 5793    charset=UTF-8
  225. 5794    Auto-Submitted
  226. 5795    SMTP
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  228. 5797    IMAP
  229. 23000    7.2
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  239. 23010    www.workgroupmail.com
  240. 23011    WebAddress.txt
  241. 23012    ProcessMessageFile
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  243. 23014    EditProperties
  244. 23015    KeepAlive
  245. 23016    GetProperties
  246. 23017    GetColumns
  247. 23018    GetProperties2
  248. 23019    GetIconIndex
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